Fremin Gallery is an art gallery founded in 2007, dedicated to a contemporary program that now represents more than a dozen emerging and mid-career artists. Committed to presenting primarily photographic work, the Gallery also embraces oeuvres from across all media, including painting, sculpture, and installation.
Since its inception, the Gallery has launched and fostered the careers of an eclectic group of artists, providing many of them with their first solo exhibitions in New York and, for some, their respective debuts in the United States. The distinctive signs of Fremin Gallery are proposals that invite to think about society and the individual, maintaining a close look at the soulful engagement of each artist’s approach to their medium. There is strong cross-pollination between subjects ranging from identity and spirituality, space, architecture, design, and, last but not least, technology. We believe both form and content are vital factors in successfully aestheticizing the ‘real,’ which makes for the discovery of talented and committed artists.
Our space in the heart of New York’s most popular gallery district acts as an unconventional intercultural agent, fully encouraging the realization of the artists’ provocative visions. The works we showcase share a deep commitment to the exploration and revelation of the essential values that underlie contemporary society. Each of them draws from a rich cultural heritage to develop a style and a visual language that is both powerful and universal.
It is the Gallery’s vision to sustain the artists’ freedom of expression by exhibiting them in a setting that is fertile for both the artist and the collector alike. The robust nurturing of an active, creative environment in a neighborhood historically known for its artistic engagements solidifies the Gallery’s mission to continue building an identity centered on the idea of an exigent ‘now’, paradoxically freed from a rigid canon of spatial and temporal demands, but always sensitive to an ever-evolving dynamic between art and an increasingly educated and inquisitive public.
Since its inception, the Gallery has successfully maintained a rigorous exhibition schedule that features more than eight rotating exhibitions by our artists each year. As each artist continues to refine their voice, the expanding collection of ideas evolves, exponentially multiplying its reach. Alongside its internal programming, the Gallery places great importance on supporting its artists through fostering dialogue and relationships with public institutions, private foundations, museums, and commissioning bodies.
The gallery is not accepting submissions currently.